Thursday, March 19, 2009


Jamie: Downtown Austin is a giant, used van dealership. All across America, parking spots long sought after by commoners have opened up, as every shitty extended-cab, trailer-hitched, muffler-dragging excuse for a "band vehicle" is currently occupying every last inch of pavement. After a nearly two hour, post-load-in search for a spot to park "The Nutz", we met up with the Michigan militia at Red 7 for a few pre-show cocktails. The kind of cocktails that come in a tall can.

Fido: Whether served inside or on the patio, cradled by a koozie or clutched in a sweaty fist--yes sir, the barley pop did its job. And the Jameson shots came like a bossman at the end of your double-shift, demanding those damned TPS reports. Thanks, Andy. It's a good thing we enjoy the company of people, since there was a veritable shitload of them. Hipsters who shouldn't attempt beards, beards disguised as fickle women, loquacious businessmen, sunburned basement-dwellers & kickass bands from Los Angeles, all swimming on both sides of the fishbowl. Leaving was like coming up for air & tasting barbecued smog. Where else to go but Bill Miller's? The chicken-fried steak was worth watching my friends eat from across the room. Really--after so much quality time trapped in MegaNutz with those boys, is there a better vantage point? Twitter me now.

Captain Feeling: Why the animosity about beards, Fido? As I recall you, Tim and Scott all sported assorted degrees of facial hair throughout the Winter.

Tim: Yes, I sported a beard this Winter. I enjoyed it for about a month, but I don't think it's meant for me year-round. Back to this evening, though. Following the Bill Miller bar-b-que, I checked the outdoor pool for about an hour and was disappointed each time to find other people enjoying it. How dare they! I felt tired and curmudgeonly and wanted to be the sole swimmer. With Doug and Greg remaining downtown, seeing friends and bands, I felt lame recuperating back at the Pflugerville Holiday Inn. I thought a sulk in the pool might help my tired state. After 40 seconds in the frigid water, I returned refreshed and ready to stay in for the night. Old Forester Signature Bourbon has provided nightcap after nightcap, though tomorrow I look forward to finally connecting with the surprisingly large group of friends prowling the streets of Austin this week.

Some Photos:

Parade of band vans at SXSW

Andy Garris sighting in Austin

Promo at Red 7

Our tour itinerary folder

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