Sunday, March 8, 2009

All Aboard

With another tour rapidly approaching, it seemed high time to put together a tour blog for the boys. As captain of their touring van and scholarly observer of road life, I feel confident in my ability to report their behavior, follies, triumphs and misadventures without severely tarnishing their well-groomed reputations.

In addition to my own reporting, the band members themselves will take a stab at self-journalism, picture taking, complaining and other tasks of the modern blogger. However, if I feel that their posts begin to represent the band unfavorably, I will intercede, lest Great Lakes Myth Society become victims of their own libel. As my authority extends well beyond mere bus driver, I will moderate and mediate when necessary to avoid such public pitfalls.

On a final note, I will provide you with a few links to the band's other official websites.

Great Lakes Myth Society
Thank you for your interest,
Captain Feeling

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